I'm learning Astrophotography mostly by trying many things making mistakes and learning from mistakes. April 4, 2020 - trying to set infinity focus - by varying focus of a bright object, in this case Venus - as I pass through the focus many dim objects appear and when they are brightest _ I think that is the infinity focus point 9about 400 light year - big infinity. the Plieades above and to the right of Venus appear but I did not recognize - but took several image - while post processing, I passed the image through nova.astrometry.net for annotation - tells me where I've aimed my camera lens. labeled a number of the stars and other galactic objects, nebulae etc.
Venus passing through Plieades |
Annotation by astrometry.net of objects in the above imag |
Initial image Plieades quite faint - Venus, brightest object |
One night later between clouds
Later through the clouds apr 05